Abstrakt studie:
Sacchi, E., Conti, M.A., D'Orazi Porchetti, S., Logoluso, A., Nicosia, U., Perugini, G., and Petti, F.M. 2008. Aptian dinosaur footprints from the Apulian platform (Bisceglie, southern Italy) in the framework of periadriatic ichnosites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.09.018.
New dinosaur tracks have been found near Bisceglie (Bari, Apulia), on loose blocks ascribed to the Corato Member (late Bedoulian to early Gargasian) of the Calcare di Bari Fm. The material consists of isolated footprints as well as of short trackways of quadrupedal and bipedal dinosaurs. The new tracksite has yielded a quite differentiated dinosaur ichnocoenosis, including theropod, sauropod, thyreophoran and ornithopod footprints. The discovery of early Aptian dinosaur footprints in the limestone of the carbonate platform of southern Italy gives new insights on dinosaur distribution, and new palaeontological constraints for the palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Mediterranean Tethys during the Cretaceous. The analysis of this and others ichnosites of the periadriatic carbonate platforms, gives evidence of repeated emersions and of widespread land-vertebrates dwelling. The characteristics of the associations suggest that the trackmakers did not constitute a real coevolved association but the occasional co-occurrence of taxa after migration. The results emphasize the need of both structural and environmental continuity and walking ways between a southern continent and the periadriatic carbonate platforms during the Early Cretaceous.
Pokud jde o svrchnojurský zub spinosaurida z formace Tendaguru (Tanzánie), informace nebudou tolik obsáhlé a proto je shrnuji do jednoho příspěvku s další paleo-aktualitou. Na Českém paleontologickém fóru se tentokrát objevila jen citace; více informací ale má Nick Gardner z blogu Why I hate theropods. Zub byl původně spolu s dalšími připsán německým paleontologem W. Janenschem rodu Labrosaurus, podle některých znaků by ale mohlo jít o pozůstatek chupu teropoda podobného rodu Ceratosaurus a jiné ukazují na spinosaurida. Tvar zubu je velmi podobný rodu Baryonyx - buď byl tedy tento typ zubů přítomen u bazálních spinosauridů jako celku, nebo se nejedná o nejstaršího známého "pravého" spinosaurida, ale baryonychina.
Buffetaut, E. 2008. Spinosaurid teeth from the Late Jurassic of Tendaguru, Tanzania, with remarks on the evolutionary and biogeographical history of the Spinosauridae; pp. 26-28, Mid-Mesozoic Life and Environments, Cognac.
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